Templates are used by the Publish HTML feature to define how your web pages will look when they are generated. Three templates types are used.
Standard Puzzle
Used when standard printable web pages are generated.
Java Applet Puzzle
Used when the playable Java Applet web page is generated.
Alternate Print
Used by browsers that support alternate page printing and should be
used to give a page with better printability and no navigation links and
Templates are normal HTML files and will display in a web browser. You can make any web page you've created into a Word Splash Pro template by simply adding text codes onto the page that Word Splash Pro will replace when the puzzle is generated. The codes are listed below. All template codes are entered using brackets to designate them. For example, to insert the title of the puzzle you would place "[TITLE]" on your template web page.
To use the templates that came with Word Splash Pro simply access the Publish HTML feature and select the "Templates" tab. There you will be able to assign and change the templates used.
Each template type has a file open button (located at the right side of the file name entry area) that will display a file search window to help you choose a template file no matter where they are on your computer.
Each template type also has an "Edit HTML" button to allow you to update your templates. The edit button will launch your default web page editing software so you can modify the template page. You can create template files using any web page creation software or text editor. If no default is assigned on your computer then the Windows Notepad text editor will be used.
Each template type also has a "Copy HTML" to quickly copy that template to a new name. Use it to reuse an existing template.
A list of Word Splash Pro text codes are listed below.
Insert a complete printable puzzle.
Insert a Java applet puzzle.
Insert the puzzle title.
Insert a short description starting with "Word Search Puzzle: " and followed by the puzzle's title.
Insert the name Word Splash Pro was registered under.
Insert text describing the version of Word Splash Pro that created the puzzle.
Insert the Player Notes paragraph from the Text window. Normally this is not needed since the printable puzzles added using the {PUZZLE] command will already contain all puzzle text, and the applet allows defining test notes that will appear when the applet starts. This can be used for the applet if you do not wish to use the applet note feature, but should not normally be used on printable puzzle pages.
The number of words in the puzzle.
The prefix name used for all files for this puzzle. This would be the name originally entered when the puzzle was created.
Word Splash Pro can generate multiple web pages -- one for the playable Java Applet, one for the printable puzzle, one for the solution, etc.. The HYPERLINK codes allow you to insert complete text links to each of the various puzzle pages generated by Word Splash Pro. For example, your Java Applet web page may have a link to the printable puzzle and the printable puzzle may have a link to the solution.
Because all the pages are optional, if the pages are not created then these links will not be placed when the page is generated.
You may also create your own links by using the URL, VALID or NOW codes listed below. Those codes can be used to create links using graphics or other objects while these HYPERLINK codes will always be predefined text based links. These are the easiest to implement.
A link labeled as "View Solution" will link to the solution page if one was created. This link will be removed when the template is used to generate a solution puzzle page.
A link labeled as "Playable Web Page" will link to the Java applet puzzle page if one was created. This link will be removed if you do not generate a Java applet page.
A link labeled as "Adobe Acrobat File" will be included if a PDF file was generated.
If a printable web page is generated for use on the Java Applet web page then this command will be labeled as "Printable Version". If a solution page is created the link will be labeled as "View Puzzle" .
Inserts a link to a web page as specified on the Publish HTML "Templates" tab page. It will be labeled using the text defined with it.
This link only works on the Java applet template page. If a win URL address is specified for the puzzle this link will be included, labeled as "Skip Puzzle". This allows the user to access the win HTML page by solving the puzzle or by clicking this link to skip the puzzle.
Inserts a link to the http://wordsplashpro.chronasoft.com web site. The link is labeled as "Word Splash Pro".
VALID codes are used to define the start and end of sections of HTML that will only be included if they are valid for the type of pages that were generated. For example, if the Java Applet Page was generated then the HTML following [APPLETVALID] would be included, but if the Java Applet Page was not generated then this HTML will be removed.
To use VALID codes you must first enter the code that starts the section and then the code that ends the section. Each starting code will have an ending code that is the same except has the word "END" as a suffix. For example, to have HTML that is used if a PDF file was generated you would use: [PDFVALID](HTML here)[PDFVALIDEND]
See the "NAVIGATOR" templates as examples of using VALID and NOW codes to create a simple template page for all puzzle pages that utilize rollover graphics for the links.
Here are the available VALID codes:
Includes the HTML if the printable solution page was generated.
Includes the HTML if the playable Java Applet page was generated.
Includes the HTML if a Home URL was specified in Word Splash Pro.
Includes the HTML if a PDF file was generated.
Includes the HTML if the Standard Printable web page was generated.
NOW codes allow including HTML only on a specific page. They work the same as VALID codes in that you need to specify the start and END code that surrounds the HTML that should be included or excluded from the final web page.
Only includes the HTML on the printable Solution page.
Only includes HTML on the Playable Java Applet web page.
Only includes the HTML on the Standard Printable puzzle page.
The URL commands can be used where only a URL address is required to link two of the generated pages together. Use them where you would have placed the actual file name. If the page is not created when you publish your puzzle, no URL will be inserted -- this could cause a broken link on your web page, so be sure to use the template consistently -- if you use these URL commands on your templates be sure to generate all the pages required by the templates.
Inserts the file name of the solution puzzle page.
Inserts the file name of the Java applet puzzle page.
Inserts the file name of the PDF file.
Inserts the file name if the printable puzzle page.
Inserts the text entered under the Home Hyperlink URL text entry area on the Publish HTML "Templates" tab.
Inserts the URL address specified in the win URL address.
Inserts the Word Splash Pro product home page http://wordsplashpro.chronasoft.com.
These commands can be used on Java applet templates. These may be used to create automatically adjusting web pages using the VALID and NOW codes or if you incorporate Java Script or other programmable languages on your pages.
See the example "ADAPTING" templates to see these in action causing the colors of the page to adjust based on the applet look selected.
The width of the Java applet.
The height of the Java applet.
The HTML color of the top/left pixel of the applet background image.
The HTML color of the message text on the applet.
The HTML color of the message area on the applet.
The HTML color of the unfound words for the applet.
The HTML color of the background of unfound words for the applet.
The Java color assigned to the Java applet text messages.
The Java color assigned to fill behind text messages.
The Java color used when circling words.
The Java color used to show circled words.
The Java color used to show words that were found using the SOLVE button.
A zero if no sound should be played. A one if sound should be played.
The following HTML examples shows how the Word Splash Pro text commands can be used to create a web template.
<html> <head> <title>[TITLE]</title> <meta http-eqiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="Word Splash,puzzle,word search,word find"> <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="[DESCRIPTION]"> </head> <body> [PUZZLE] <br> [ANSWERHYPERLINK] <br> [PRINTHYPERLINK] <br> [APPLETHYPERLINK] <br> [PDFHYPERLINK] </body> </html> |
<html> <head> <title>[TITLE]</title> <meta http-eqiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="Word Splash,puzzle,word search,word find"> <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="[DESCRIPTION]"> </head> <body> [APPLET] <br> [PRINTHYPERLINK] <br> [PDFHYPERLINK] </body> </html> |
You can find the default templates in the "templates" folder under the main Word Splash Pro program folder on your computer. You may wish to start with these files and save them under a new name before you make your own changes to the page formatting so that they will not accidentally get replaced in future upgrades.
The Java applet allows changing the text messages that display as a puzzle is played. To change the messages you must create a specially named text file that Word Splash Pro will use to override the default messages. You can create and edit this file using the Windows program NOTEPAD.EXE, saving it into the Word Splash Pro APPLET folder under the name: APPLETPARAMOVERRIDE.TXT
The available text message parameters and their default values are listed below. Simply copy the lines shown below into this file and edit the message text to what ever you would like.
<PARAM = "TextPAS" VALUE = "Puzzle was already solved"> <PARAM = "TextPZI" VALUE = "Click and drag mouse to circle words."> <PARAM = "TextNTI" VALUE = "Press PLAY to continue."> <PARAM = "TextWAF" VALUE = "Selected word was already found"> <PARAM = "TextSVI" VALUE = "Press SOLVE again to find in puzzle"> <PARAM = "TextOWS" VALUE = "One word Solved"> <PARAM = "TextWUS" VALUE = "Won using Solve on last word."> <PARAM = "TextSPA" VALUE = "SOLVE Button Pressed. Press PLAY to try it again."> <PARAM = "TextSBP" VALUE = "SOLVE Button Pressed."> <PARAM = "TextAOL" VALUE = "Press SOLVE again for ALL, or select a single line first"> <PARAM = "TextSLS" VALUE = "First select a line to solve."> <PARAM = "TextSBU" VALUE = "SOLVE Button used to solve the puzzle"> <PARAM = "TextELV" VALUE = "Enter the value that belongs on that line"> <PARAM = "TextSWH" VALUE = "YOU DID IT! (With a little help)"> <PARAM = "TextSFR" VALUE = "YOU DID IT!"> <PARAM = "TextFOW" VALUE = "Found One!"> <PARAM = "TextAFW" VALUE = "You Already Found That One."> <PARAM = "TextNCW" VALUE = "Not what we're looking for."> <PARAM = "TextLOP" VALUE = "Loading Puzzle..."> <PARAM = "TextISC" VALUE = " is correct!"> <PARAM = "TextPTS" VALUE = "Press PLAY to start."> <PARAM = "TextPAU" VALUE = "Paused"> <PARAM = "TextTIM" VALUE = "Time: "> <PARAM = "TextJNP" VALUE = "Jumping to a new page..."> <PARAM = "TextINP" VALUE = "(Invalid next page URL was specified)"> <PARAM = "TextNCW" VALUE = "Waiting for Note to load..."> <PARAM = "TextWFP" VALUE = "Waiting for Audio to load..."> <PARAM = "TextWFP" VALUE = "Waiting for Puzzle to load..."> <PARAM = "TextSON" VALUE = "Sound ON"> <PARAM = "TextSOF" VALUE = "Sound OFF"> <PARAM = "TextHSS" VALUE = "Type message hidden in the remaining letters"> <PARAM = "TextHSN" VALUE = "Add spaces between the words"> <PARAM = "TextIN1" VALUE = "Initializing..."> <PARAM = "TextIN2" VALUE = "Verifying..."> <PARAM = "TextIN3" VALUE = "Preparing..."> <PARAM = "TextPCB" VALUE = "Puzzle created by: "> <PARAM = "ErrorWIN" VALUE = "ERROR: Could Not Load WIN File"> <PARAM = "ErrorNOT" VALUE = "ERROR: Could Not Load NOTE File"> <PARAM = "ErrorPUZ" VALUE = "ERROR: Could Not Load all PUZZLE Files"> <PARAM = "ErrorABT" VALUE = "ERROR: Could Not Load ABOUT File"> <PARAM = "ErrorCOR" VALUE = "ERROR: About Box image not correct"> <PARAM = "ErrorPNL" VALUE = "Puzzle grid not loaded yet."> <PARAM = "ErrorGNL" VALUE = "Puzzle grid not loaded yet."> <PARAM = "ErrorTNL" VALUE = "Note image not loaded yet."> <PARAM = "ErrorANL" VALUE = "About Box not loaded yet."> < /p > |
Word Splash Pro keeps things simple by defaulting to having all files in a single location. If you would like to store your files in subfolders on your web site you can add four applet parameters before uploading the web pages to your server.
The location entered can be a full URL starting with "http://" or "www.". If the location does not start with one of these two prefixs then it will be assumed to be a subfolder in the folder where the puzzle HTML and WSPlay.jar file are located.
Use this parameter to assign where the spoken word sounds are stored.
Use this parameter to assign where the Base and Tutorial sounds will
be stored. Since these are shared between puzzles you should use a single
location on your server for all action sounds.
Use this parameter to assign where the graphics for the applet will
be stored. Remember that this only applies to the APPLET graphics, not
the PDF file or any graphics used on the Standard or Answer sheets. If
you want ALL graphics in a subfolder you will need to edit those image
links to point to your new location.
Use this parameter to assign where the applet about box and win graphics
will be stored. Since these are shared between puzzles you should use
a single location for all puzzles.
<PARAM = "WordSoundsLocation" VALUE = "puzzle1_sounds">
<PARAM = "ActionSoundsLocation" VALUE = "action_sounds">
<PARAM = "PuzzleGraphicsLocation" VALUE = "images/puzzle1">
<PARAM = "SharedGraphicsLocation" VALUE = "images/shared">
The playable Java Applet uses parameters to define the puzzle and pass data into the applet. Generally you will never change the parameters generated by Word Splash Pro, but if your web site uses server side programming like ASP, JAVA, PERL or CGI to pass the pages to the browser you can use your server side programs to change some properties of the Java puzzle pages. Use this to allow your web site visitors to set defaults that will operate for all puzzles on your web site. The following are parameters that may be of interest.
When TRUE the sounds default to ON. When OFF the sounds will default to not playing and they would have to press the MUTE button to have the sounds play.
When TRUE the base sound effects will play. These include the button clicks, word circling sound, the sound that plays when a good word is circled, the sound that plays when a bad word is circled, the sound that plays when the slider is moved and the win sound.
When TRUE the Tutorial sounds will play. These are all the sounds not included in the base sound list and are typically used to provide instructions about how to play a puzzle.
When TRUE the word sounds will play when the words are clicked in the word list. Word sounds are created using the Sound Studio and are usually the word being spoken.
When TRUE the word sounds will play when a word is circled.
When TRUE the note is displayed.
When TRUE the solve button is displayed.
When TRUE the Solve button can be used to solve the entire puzzle.
When TRUE a full puzzle solve triggers a win.
When TRUE pressing Play after finishing a puzzle allows you to play it again.
When TRUE the Mute button is displayed.
The GIF file that is displayed when the puzzle is solved. Should normally be smaller than 300 wide and 200 high.
The web page to jump to when they finish the puzzle.
Before puzzles can be played in a web browser two things will be done by the browser that take a little time on a very slow computer. First, Java must be started if it is not already. Second, the WSPlay.jar file must be fetched. Both of these processes can be taken care of prior to displaying a puzzle web page in order to speed up the perceived load time on very slow computers or connections.
One method of starting Java is to use the Verify Java applet provided free by Chronasoft. Fetch it from our web site by using the Check for Update process under the Help menu. This extra includes a web page you can modify, Verfify Java Applet and two graphic files. When used on a web page this applet will display a message telling the user if their computer is Java Ready and can play puzzles. Because this is a Java applet itself, it will force Java to start on their web browser. You can see an example of this applet in use on the official Word Splash Pro sample puzzles web page.
Instead of using this verify applet, the playable Java Applet can also be used to start Java and to featch the player applet. Simply use the code below to imbed the applet on a web page with the PreLoadOnly parameter set to True. This HTML code will cause the web browser to download the JAR file into the browser's cache, thus saving that time later when they click the link to your puzzles. This will also start JAVA for their browser. Nothing will display on the page itself, so you can use this on any page prior to your puzzles being displayed.
<applet code="WSPlay.jar" codebase="." width="0" height="0"> <param name="PreLoadOnly" value="True"> </applet> |