User Manual > Main Interface >



The main menus offer access to all the utilities and settings within Word Splash Pro. Many of these have duplicate access in the toolbar and other pop-up menus.


Power Pack and Sound Studio users will also have their set of extra menu items that will include features only available with those add-ons.





The File menu is used to access features that allow loading, saving, exporting and printing.


The first section is dedicated to actions pertaining to the entire puzzle.




The next set of File Menu items are used to load and save different aspects of your current puzzle. All of these aspects of the puzzle are saved with a puzzle when the entire puzzle is saved, but they can also be saved individually so that you can reuse these settings.

For each of these options a sub-menu similar to the following will display.





Available Puzzle Aspects:






The next section is used to export your puzzle.




The next section is used to print your puzzle.



The final section allows closing the application.






The Edit menu contains features that operate on your word list and other text entry areas.


Many of the features require "selecting" text first. You can select text by holding the left mouse button down while moving the mouse, or you can hold the SHIFT key down while using the arrow keys on the keyboard. You can find further information about text selecting in your Windows help.











 The line style type conversion functions are as follows.








Utility Menu


The utility menu gives you access to some utility processes.



Process Menu


The process menu gives you access to the special processing features of Word Splash Pro.





Settings Menu


The Settings menu gives you access to the puzzle properties windows. These windows let you define various aspects of your puzzle.




View Menu


The view menu allows you to change the view of your work space. The first set of options allow changing the puzzle grid mode being used. This can also be changed on the toolbar using quick select buttons.

See the section on Grid Modes for more detail about the various grid modes.


The SIZE sub-menu allows you to choose how large the puzzle grid will be displayed in the main interface.


Each of the options will give you different sized grid text.

Auto Size will cause Word Splash Pro to automatically display the largest grid it can for the size of the Word Splash Pro main interface window. All other options will give you a fixed grid size and will allow scrolling the grid if necessary to see the areas that are not visible.



Options Menu


The Options menu allows you to set properties of the Word Splash Pro puzzle making environment.




Help Menu


The Help menu is used to access support features of Word Splash Pro.


Copyright 1994-2011 Albert Edward Bogdan